Chris Yoon

I am a Software Engineer at Palantir Technologies.

Before that, I spent four wonderful years at Columbia, where I completed my undergrad degree with a major in computer science and a minor in mathematics (CC '24!). My academic focus was mainly on operating systems, compilers, and programming language theory. During college, I've also done internships at Palantir (Gotham Ontology), Virtu Financial (high frequency trading), and at Riot Games (service monitoring infrastructure).

I enjoy systems programming — things like operating systems, distributed systems, and compilers! I also enjoy studying programming language theory and formal methods.

Find my resume and my github; or read my blog or about my projects!

If you ever want to chat about anything, you can reach me at cjy2129 [at] gmail [dot] com :) !

Reaching out to me

I would not be where I am now without the help I've received from people around me. If I can be of help to you in any way (e.g. learning, academics, recruiting, mentorship), please don't hesitate to shoot me an email!